Marketing and communications school is a vocational school, trade school, or technical school designed to provide professional education or technical skills required to accomplish the tasks of a particular field and a specific job We offer training based on the needs on the job market to our learners
School of Marketing and Communication recruits new talents for open positions in the workforce. For example, if there is an open position for an accountant and they have an accountant in their database, they will set up an interview for that person to be hired by the company. We are a kind of intelligent intermediary between employers and their potential new employees. We train and prepare employees for the skills demanded by our partners
School of Marketing and Communication promotes or sells another company's product or service through a particular method or a particular sales channel. Channel partners can be affiliates, resellers and suppliers. We choose our channel partners based on its financial objectives, the type of product or service to be sold, pricing levels and the size of the potential partner.
School of Marketing and Communication undertakes to provide services to a client or to our partners in exchange for payment. This exchange is formalized by a service provision contract. We are willing to provide services to all our potential customers.
We bring quality services to you